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Whose candidate for secretary of the interior favors the far right (and misnamed) 'property rights' movement, at the expense of our national parks.

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Who wants to turn the foreign aid budget entirely over to private groups like Worldvision to dispense, unanswerable, per their own agenda. Who has stated, in the face of parodies, that there ought to be limits to freedom. On the other hand, there's Dubya, the self-proclaimed 'Great Uniter,' who's not even inaugurated yet, making the surprisingly underreported statement before a collection of rights groups, 'You people have to understand we're the ones in power now and we're going to do what we want.' (Apparently Dubya thinks 'president' is synonymous with 'king.') Who wants to be known as 'the law and order president' in an era when crime is way down from the heights it was at during the last Republican administration.

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